How Do You Even Pick A Niche?
Understanding This Oft-Misunderstood Advice As a Baby Writer
I get *a lot* of writing advice that I don’t follow. Good and bad. Call it ignorance. Call it bad manners. Call it whatever you want. I just don’t follow it.
“Find your niche” was one of them.
What can I say? I’m a decent storyteller but an excellent poet, and poetry tends to take the rules and mash them up like a kid playing in the sandbox and creating intricate castles out of gut punches.
It’s so hard to get started with a blank page for some of us.
To keep going.
When you’re a beginner/newbie, you feel you don’t have anything to say. Nothing to share.
You’re not an expert. You’re not a “thought leader”.
You’re not a person with years of experience to fall back on.
What could you add?
A niche is just a specialized topic(s) you focus on in your content. So why do so many people get the cold sweats on being given this advice?
For me, finding a niche inherently felt confining. Limiting.
You mean, I’m supposed to pick three topics and beat them into the ground ad infinitum? Hard pass.